quick! please! help! asap!?

im on ae.com about to get some slipperss and i need .35c more. does anyone have a ae giftcard lying around with a little balance on it? please please! (ae=american eagle)


and uhm no mimi i want to use my gift card and thats the only thing i can find to cover the amount. i thought on y!a some people could be nice enough. and thanks for everyone elses niceness.


  • no, i'm soooooooooo sorry, I don't.. do you maybe have a credit card you could use instead/ to cover the balance?


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  • You need to learn to live with in your means. Sorry

  • Because I'm sure anyone who does will let you have it...

  • ummm no but i think ur alittle obsessed? do u absolutely have to have those slippers? gosh

  • damn...im so sorry i can't help. but goodluck finding one..:-))

  • sure, the # is 5555555555555

  • i dont, im sorry!

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