Do I have Adonis Complex?

So I was recently watching this steroid documentary and it mentioned society's shift towards the idea that to be a man you have to be ripped and it showed the subtle differences every decade like the toy men going from normal to ripped and all the magazines with ripped dudes everywhere, anyways I'm currently 17 and play lots of sports and according to other people I am "ripped" but I am always unsatisfied because I wanted to look like those models which I can in a couple years but is this just a teenage phase where we care about our looks alot or am I unusually obsessed with my body image? btw I'm not using steroids


  • It's the teenage phase. Stay in shape though, but don't let it stress you out.

  • Sounds like you've been brainwashed by this 'so-called' documentary.

    Never have I heard that to get a woman, a man needs to be 'ripped.' I am 32 and perfectly happily married.

  • na man chill

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