temporary dog homes?

i'm in a real tight situation right now, my boyfriend's landlard has told him he cannot have the dog in his house anymore and has two days to find her another home but we don't want to give her away, in a few months we will be moving out and wanting the dog to live with us, not to mention it's his family pet that he's had since he was a kid. I can't keep her at mine due to my anti social dog. All my friends either already have dogs or are not allowed one (Same with his friends) and i'm wondering if there are any legit companies that will look after dogs for a few months. i really need help!


  • Since this dog is a family pet that he's had since a kid, can't he start by asking his family if they would keep it for a few months? Maybe his Parents or whoever he was living with before would be more than happy to watch over this dog. If he hasn't asked them, he should. That would be the first thing I would do if I were in his/your situation. I suppose you could board this dog long term too, but that would probably be very expensive unless you could find a place that would give you a good deal because of the length of time the dog would have to be there.

  • Can you sit down with this landlord and talk this through - why is he now saying the dog has to to? What happened to provoke this? Surely if you are going, and have given notice (?) provided you don't let whatever happened, happen again before you do leave, and use a crate!! this situation can be avoided.

    Secondly, yes, some private charities will offer temporary fostering. Talk to your vet .... put an Urgent Notice on his Board?

    Thirdly, if the dog is a breed then Breed Rescue might have somebody who would take her in (might cost you!). Is her breeder still around - she'd surely foster her temporarily.

    Lastly BOARDING KENNEL. Again it will cost, but at least you would be able to avoid rehoming her.

  • Are there doggy hotels around? I wouldn't take them to a pound because pounds just aren't very good, they might euthanize him, or sell him. Explain to your friends and have him explain to his that even though they have dogs that it's only temporary and it'd be very appreciated if they would keep them and offer to pay for everything the dog needs. If you're dog is antisocial, this could be a good chance to get him to stop being so shy. I understand, my shih tzu is very antisocial with dogs because we didn't socialize her enough when she was a puppy. But now when we get her around other dogs at first she'll bark at them, but then she loves them once she realizes they're not there to hurt her.

  • First ask around family members on both your sides and ask them if they would help out and foster the dog for a while.

    The best other alternative is boarding kennels or a foster home but they will need payment.

    Some dog sitters will take a dog into their home for a limited period so scan through the phone book pages.

  • If your current dog is antisocial, that sounds to me like it needs training to be taught to behave itself. I think you'll have to look for dog-fosterers. Be careful, because some will probably be scammers looking for a way to take dogs, but some of them will be very good at what they do. However, most reserve themselves for people with real need i.e. people fleeing abusive partners and so on. You might have to look into a dog pound.

  • Sure you could board the dog at a kennel if you can afford it.

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