Do I have a panic Disorder?
Here latley I have been nervous all of the time. When I see a plane pass by I am afraid that they are terrorist and that they are going to bomb us. Im always worried about my 3 month old getting sids and worried about my mom cuz she has alot of heart problems and Im always worried about my lovley grandparents because t hey are 72 years old and my grandpa has an anurisim. Plus my boyfriend has a motorcycle and about a month ago we got into a bad accident and he is still riding it. Im ALWAYS worried that something terrible will happen. Yesterday I felt a pop in my stomach and started freaking out. I ended up have a panic attack. I thought I was going to die. I dont want to be scared about everything all of the time. Please tell me what you think I should do and what you think will help. Im only 18
The worring is a constant thing for me I cant even have fun anymore. I feel so distant from the life I used to have. could it be postpartum depression? I really need advice
I would say you're having anxiety attacks. You have to stop thinking bad thoughts. You need to think good things, and maybe your Karma will change. If not, see your Doctor. He, or she may be able to prescribe something to help you relax. Good luck~
Yes I think you are suffering from panic. You need to see a doctor and maybe go on meds for a while or talk to a professional. I used to be like that. I was obsessed that my newborn would die in his sleep and if I did not hear my husband snoring I would get up and check that he was still breathing. I could not be in crowds and I worked in New York City at the time so it was a huge problem for me. I had to ride an elevator to the 58th floor everyday and I was convinced it would break. I could not ride in the car near water because I thought we would end up in the water sinking. It got to the point where I would not leave my house and I had to see a doctor and go on meds. Don't suffer, just get some help. Good Luck.
I don't think it is Postpartum depression. You are beginning to have a panic disorder of sorts come into your life and you need to seek professional help, for the sake of you and your family immediately! I cannot give you any advise beyond that, other than to say that I persnally have been down this scary road and you must not put it off! you must find a qualified Physchiatrist who can help you understand and help to equip you to deal with these times. If you wait you are asking for more and more trouble. Wow, I will certainly keep you in my prayers. If you ever want to talk, just email me here, ok? God Bless!
Sweet heart... you are suffering. Go to the doctors and get some medication. You have to much on your plate as they would say. Having your baby a few months ago is enough in its self to throw you for a lop. Being afraid of the terrorist? I don't think so. It only make me support our troops more. Your mom and grandparent? Everyone will have health problems and will hopeful grow old. Don't you want them to see you happy? As for your boyfriend on the motorcycle? Bikers will be bikers. He will be just find. You only have to hit the ground once to know it hurt!
Don't worry!! Because worrying all the time won't change anything. It just makes things worse. I use to be like you and your right! You can't enjoy anything if all your thinking about is something bad happening all the time. If something is going to happen. You can't do anything about until it actually happens anyway right? So instead of making yourself sick over nothing. Be happy and stop worrying!!! I Hope this makes sense to you like it did for me.
Life if hard. The news media saturates us with everything bad in the world 24/7. You need to talk to a medical professional about this. Sounds like you are overwhelmed by things that can't be controlled.
Find the "Serenity Prayer" (I can't find my copy). It won't cure you but it will give you something constructive to think about.
Panic assaults and agoraphobia are indications of rigidity. Labyrinthitis and exhaustion would properly be indications of melancholy. Citalopram is an antidepressant and treats the indications notwithstanding it does not take care of the reason. rigidity and melancholy are many times proper to unresolved subject concerns on your life. If the subject concerns are momentary, treating the indications would properly be sensible. yet whilst there are long-term subject concerns, the indications will come returned. See in case you may get your generic practitioner to deliver you for some counselling. it relatively is going to help you come across your subject concerns and are available to words with them.
High anxiety and obsessive thinking. Postpartum depression is a possibility. You need to seek help from your doc.
Sounds like postpartum depression maybe magnified because of the state of the world today. Talk to your doctor he/she can help.
Well at least you aren't panicking over the fact that you might misspell something. ;p
Don't worry about it. Everything will be OK.
Just think about how 99.9% of the time, everything's been OK. That's pretty good odds, right?