Dog diarrhea strikes again?

My over 6 month old Welsh Corgi had diarrhea two weeks ago for about 4 days then I put it on vet medication and only gave it rice+egg whites. After the the medication was used up and I switched her back to the regular food she had normal feces for about a week, but for some odd reason she's starting to diarrhea again. What are some home remedies since the vet is not open over the weekends?

The food has always been the same, no new chew toys, she gets enough hydration, gets enough sleep, and last time the vet said most likely no virus or worms. Gah, this is getting annoying!


  • Then it is caused by a build up of the food which is wrong for your dog.

  • I'm sorry ,but I think you need to chang Vet,as not much of a Vet if don't know what to do for parvo.Your pet needs to be placed in a vet hospital,or its chances for survival are slim.You may try removing its water and replace with the baby non-flavored pediolyte,let it drink all it wants,or it will dehydrate.Also give the pet a dab of plain honey,or white karo syrup on its tongue to prevent sugar level from getting too low.After the pet's stomach has settled from drinking the pediolyte try boiling some chicken,cut in small pieces,put in blender with small amount of water and puree it.If pet refuses to eat or drink,you must force feed it ,or you will loose this pet.You can also try giving it about 1/3 teaspoon of Pepto Bismol every 4 to 6 hrs.Call vet and ask them to give you a perscription of an antibiotic to help fight this virus.Wish you luck with your pet,and the key to this is just be sure to see that the pet drinks and eats well.If this pet has parvo,any pets that come in contact with it that hasn't been vaccinated for parvo will catch it,you must clean all surroundings and sterlize to protect any other pets and confine the one with the parvo til it gets ok.

  • When the vet is not open lay out piddle pads. You can get them from Walmart or any other pet store. Which vet do you go to? Try changing vets. Maybe the vets you go to aren't trying their best. Otherwise i have no clue what to tell you.

    P.S. I am a BIG welsh corgi fan. As you can see my user name. =-)

  • Have you had a fecal sample done? I've been dealing with some sudden on-set diarrhea in my dog recently, and it turns out she has hookworms. She has none of the other symptoms of them, just the diarrhea. So I'd be pushing for a stool analysis before I got much further in dealing with this if I were you.

  • I would insist your dog be vet checked for an intestinal papillon picked up one and it resulted in diarrhea....he needed a second course of antibiotic before it cleared. they will do a fecal and if there's anything there that shouldn't can appear to clear up and then come back..because it's not truly 'gone' the first time around.

    also, a prescription dog food may be what you have to feed her....anyway I would insist the vet check her again.

  • She may just have chronic diarrhea!

    My dog was put on rice&chicken, he had no salt in his diet. Then the vet prescribed him some steriods and they worked!

  • A good remedy to tide her over until she can get into see her vet is plain old canned pumpkin - not the pumpkin pie type.

    Here is a great link with some helpful advice.

    Hope your little one feels better soon ;-)

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