how do i turn my perfect teeth into braces?

i have perfect teeth on the top but on my bottom teeth, a few are not straight. all my friends have braces. i was wondering a way to get my teeth ugly looking . i am really axious for braces i dont know why though?

sincerly latcatbby


  • See of your dentist can do anything with the bottom teeth. I really don't think you need braces, it doesn't really sound like it to me. Why you want braces is a little unusual, they bug me, you can't just sit on the couch and eat potato chips, you have to be careful. You really shouldn't eat too much candy, you get spots on your perfect teeth when your braces come off, no more caramel, well you have gotten my point. If you are following through on the braces, there is nothing to worry about, it won't hurt. The next day or two it will hurt, but not too bad. Take Tylenol if hurts worse. At my dentist they let me watch a movie when I got mine, it really shouldn't hurt. You might be nervous but I think that's it.

  • try falling asleep with an under bite and then in the morning you will be used to it so then u will have an under bite. A really important reason to get braces.

  • you dont want braces! trust me they r horrible once you actually get them plus they cost a lot (mine are costing about $2,000 but they might be more were u r)

    for the bottom 1's ask you dentist about invisalign

  • why would you get your teeth ugly?

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