Why is Colorado turning into a big vagina state?

Why aren't their law makers fired for infringing on our 2nd amendment


Scott your an idiot, "reasonable" you've compromised. I'm my opinion and as our right we should be able to own a machine gun and tank if we can afford it.


  • Ask the experts:gun control works

    Adolf Hitler,Nazi;10 million murdered

    Josef Stalin,Communist;60 million murdered

    Just like Obama,Adolf Hitler forbade german citizens to own firearms to "protect the children"

    Heil Obama ,Heil Obama

  • I live in Colorado, and the recently passed laws seem pretty reasonable to me. I also own several firearms, and don't feel like my 2nd Amendment rights were infringed upon.

  • the only thing stopping that state from completely turning into one big Woodstock hippy orgasm is the presence of military bases and the air force academy. they are a bunch of peace hoping, weed smoking, democratic ******* who dont want to work for anything. its sick

  • Chris, you are a moron, Scott, you are a reasonable man.

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