Why does America stay passive towards Canada?

Canada makes its citizens suffer by disallowing them to have any weapon for self-defense not even a blade, let alone a gun!!!!!!! And this is all a plot to carry out greater suffering to the population, without any possible retalition. And the only reason why healthcare is free is because you can get hurt without legally being able to defend yourself!!!!

Now very seriously, why are you not invading this terrible country that has little to no resistance to offer, that is full of natural resources, and making it as great as America?


its a question of logic, if i had a house, kids and a job, why would i want to shoot anyone? jesus christ you are all so retarded


  • ''Honourablely'', someday, I hope that the ''U.S.ARMED FOR5CES MILITARY LAW AND CIVILIAN LAW'' certainly, legally ''CORRECTS'' the ''PEOPLES IN POWER'', including their ''CANADIAN FORCES-REGULAR FORCE/RESERVES''; for ''CRIMINALLY, COWARDLY, CORRUPTLY, BRAINWASHINGLY'' committing ''HIGH TREASON'' upon your C.I.C.-PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, and ''TREASON and ESPIONAGE'' upon your ''SUPERPOWER of the WORLD''-''UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Canada has about 31 guns per 100 people, ranking among the most-armed countries in the world. The United States is unusual in this regard, having about 89 guns per 100 people, by far the highest rate in the world.

    This data is several years old (its from 2007), and the US is if anything even more armed today than it was then (gun sales have shot up since Obama was elected for no other reason than paranoia about Democrats "taking our guns"). I don't see any changes in the rest of the world.

    Other countries with a similar rate of gun ownership to Canada include France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Iceland, and Uruguay.

  • You are very wrong in whatever ways you said. America is free country( sort off) and citizens have a choice to own any possible items- in which it includes gun. Why guns are illegal in Canada as well most countries- and the reason are crime and foul play. Sure like in US, you need to have license to own a gun, but criminals will always try to a ways to get it illegal- as is very hard to regulate licenses on gun owners( if u have the money- why not). Sure they are people in Canada that do possessed guns illegally( either for fun or for criminal activities, but making it illegal by law will reduce the gun ownership.

  • Because they're our neighbor for starters.

    Thats not completely true. They have terrible gun control laws, but there are ways to get them.

    Why would we invade them? they have been peaceful to us. We haven't invaded Libya, who burnt our flag?

    We haven't invaded Russia

    We haven't invaded Mexico

    We have invaded very very few of the African nations that don't particularly like us, or our ally Israel.

    We have more resources than Canada. And I don't want any other nation to be as awesome as us ^_^

  • I told them NOT to let you out on Week-ends Unsupervised,

    as you have Absolutely no regard for Human Life !!!!

    Time to put the Pipe Down as it is

    "Giving You A Very Warped Sense of Reality" !!!!

    You are welcome to do the same thing I did...

    Leave Canada...

  • When the oil runs out in the Middle East America will move to Canada.

  • A bit bored today?

    Just thought you would come here and troll a bit with a fairly foolish question?

    Go away.

    Semper Fidelis,


  • Did you run out of meds because you can not afford healthcare?

  • Lol America isn't that great

  • Something tells me the words "bright" and "sharp" aren't ever used in conjunction with your name are they?

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