U.S. army Ranger as a career?

Say, if I join the Army, pass ALL the bct, osut, airborne, and training/programs, and get sent to a battalion, and survive 20 YEARS of active duty (can I do that while in the Rangers? I mean, 20 years IN the rangers?) can I retire as a Ranger?

Don't mean to be funny, but I'm planning to join and become a Ranger, and many things are on my mind. Thanks for any help!


Thanks man!!!!!


  • Rangers are a UNIT, not a job.

    The chances of any soldier spending 20 years assigned to the Ranger Regiment, are slim and none.

    1. Its a tough life, your away frequently training or deployed, injuries are common.

    2. As you progress in rank, there are fewer and fewer slots for you to move into.

    You gotta remember, there are only three Battalions, so about the time you make E-7, there are few E-7 slots in the Regiment,

    So you in essense, get promoted Out of the Regiment. And have to go to another unit with a slot for your new rank.

  • Look man, Ranger isnt a career, its a qualification.

    You could be a Ranger cook. If you wanna be Infantry then thats cool, whatever.

    But my advice is pick a CAREER. Something you can use outside of the military. No disrespect to the Rangers btw.


  • Hello,

    There is a lot of information on my website:

    http://www.angelica.dds.nl/index.php People Locator

    and for US Military

    http://www.angelica.dds.nl/army.php - US Military information, search military records, find military personnel, official US Military pages

  • it'll be a tough life.. and you won't be rich.. but if you make it, you'll be a B.A.M.F. :)

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