Is PCOS a possibility?

Well, my DH and I are TTC our second child and we have been having problems since March 2010 (I know not long, but still 8 months)!! I went for full blood work and a transvaginal ultrasound in September 2010 and everything came back perfectly sign of cysts...nothing! I have always had a regular period of 28-30 days except once in the summer when it was 62 days which isn't that strange as many woman have periods where there isn't ovulation.

I got my Progesterone tested last week and at Day 22 it was 13.70 and Day 24 it dropped to 8.40 and my period came right on schedule at 28 days...but my OB sent me for more tests today and all of them are for PCOS (I did my research)....why would he be testing still?? Doesn't my Progesterone show that I ovulated? My cycle is regular at 28-30 days...I'm just confused!! I will be going for my appt on December 9th were all will be discussed but, I still can't deal with the wait! My DH will be getting tested on Friday and my HSG test was supposed to be this week, but my OB will be out of town, so it needs to be pushed to my next cycle to rule out a blockage! If everything else comes back normal, what would be the next step (I dont have to wait for 12 months as my GP has forced the issue with my OB) you think that I have a Progesterone defiency? Could I possibly need Clomid?

Any ideas? I know...lots of questions...sorry



  • Doesn't sound like you have PCOS given regular cycle and negative tests. This is however a hard diagnosis to made (insulin resistance is hard to test), but since you don't have any classic PCOS symptoms, I am not sure why your doctor is bothering. Maybe he is just being very thorough (which is good/rare to see). Did he do 3-day FSH and LH test?

    Also, your progesterone level is normal for day 22 (want to see above 10 in a normal cycle), so you "likely" ovulated. It is supposed to decline if not pregnant. Given normal level at day 22, it is unlikely that you have a progesterone / luteal phase issue if your cycle is 28-30 days and regular.

    You probably don't need clomid since it doesn't look like you have any problem ovulating. Just unlucky so far or haven't tried enough times yet.

    Good luck.

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