Am I paranoid? Please help!?

PLEASE HELP. My car has recently been broken into, and since then, I've been acting really different. My habits changed and I am really concerned. I have a fear of being alone, sleeping, and to go inside the car that was broken into, knowing that a stranger was in there not too long ago. It's been a few days since that happened but I can't seem to get over it. My father keeps telling me to occupy my mind but it seems almost impossible. I have been sleeping about 3-4 hours (sleeping around 3-5 am, waking up at 8 am for school.) I sometimes feel a presence when I'm alone or late at night. I'm really tired at night, but it's so hard to sleep. How can I help this? My parents have suggested taking me to a doctor but I don't know how they can help. Should I go to a doctor? Do I need help?


  • your suffering from a high level of anxiety. it seems after the break in your fear factor has gone up. medically this is known as "GAD". just read up on the symptoms and you will understand that it is normal but difficult. GAD makes you fear almost everything and makes your mind always predict doom in every situation. In other words, you always expect the worse thing to happen and it scares you a lot to the point where some people just stay stuck in a room all day and night.

    This is a slippery slope, their is definite treatment but it can also make you brain unstable going into the future.

    What you do need to do now is read up on extreme fear, GAD, anxiety symptoms and so forth, so you understand what your going through. this will help you get some sort of grip on your self for now. just give it time and tell your self not to think to the negative extreme as your doing now.

    hope it helps.

  • I suggest going to therapy. People bad talk it, but it can really help. The same thing happened to me a few months ago, my sister's car was broken into and my entire household was on edge. You get over it eventually with just trust that you're safe. If the therapy doesn't work, maybe try getting one of those security alarms? Hope you feel better! :)

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