A r e y o u ? ? ? ?

how many of you are going toting(trick or treating) and what are you going as

im goin and im bein a homemade super hero with

black skinny jeans

jetsons boxers over top

a brite red cape

amzingly big hiar


  • i am!!

    a not original ghost. =/

  • I agree with green guy and zain ...moral says don't let people effect you with their behaviour or words neither of them shall remain same with time !And as mostly said ...If you know you are right stick to it and remain silent even if you're blamed probably that ends the issue! Yes, for me both tracks either way the result seemed no different ...it's just loss!

  • I am going to be a pumpkin because so is my dog

  • a princess with a pretty tiara and one of my moms old dresses!

  • I am! I'm going to be a present!

  • no, taking the kids though

  • yes

    vampire stripper


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