why do special ed kids never flunk?

even though they are special they do get more privlages their life is easier


  • why on earth would you say that their lives are easier. some have less freedom for someone is always in control over the food they eat, when they go to bed, what activities they can join in on. Some have to live with people who don't really want them in the first place. Some have no one and live on the streets. Some have been locked in their own homes. as far as never flunking...some are made to be a numbers game for the administration so the districts can can more money from government. some do as best as they can while many are not given the chance to do more.

  • Special Education students are "Special". When a student has been determined they are in need of special education services an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed. The IEP is a plan for specially designed instruction for the students individualized needs. The student does not work at their age or grade level. For example, a student may be in the eighth grade but are reading at a first grade level unable to complete simple addition or subtraction problems or write a complete sentence or paragraph with clear meaning. Schools are not allowed to "Flunk" a student if the IEP is written to the students specifc needs and the school is working according to the students needs. Some students still flunk because they are still easily dicouraged because of their lack of academic achievement. Special Ed students do have addtional rights but it is because they are educationqlly disadvantaged and are protected by the law to prevent more of a disadvantage.

    Special Education students are more likely to be in prison and drop out of school and may have emotional difficulties. Please check out some info on special education students. It is very difficult for them but they don't need excuses. Try to encourage them at all times you would be very surprised at how some are never identified to get the help.

  • That is not true, special ed kids do fail, and no their life is not easier. They are in special ed for a reason, because it is not easy for that student to do something how we do..and how we take for granted! But yes I do agree with SOME cases they just pass the kid along because they do not want to deal with him/her?! But I think in most cases a special ed student does NOT have it easier

  • no their life is not easier and they do not have more privlages, they have to deal with more cristism than you or I do, every day life is harder for them. Anyone who thinks they have things easier has a problem.

  • well they dont directly flunk depending on why the are sped like some are able to be in school til their 21 but they dont get direct grades so they dont flunk

  • because they are mentally handicapped and the classes are built around this fact.

    how do you grade a 15 kid who has the mind of a 6 year old? You are not going to hold them to the same standards as a normal 15 year old.

  • NO. I'm in sped and I get the same privliges and work as the other 8 graders. The only subject I'm in sped for is math. And I am passing.

  • they do to flunk my brother has adhd and he's failing, a kid at my school has add and he's failing

  • define easier

  • Cuz they are special

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