Does ambylopia ever cause strabismus?

I know strabismus causes amblyopia, but is it ever the other way around?


  • yes strabismus causing amblyopia caused by relaxing of muscles and no improving of vision

    using patching and orthoptic exercises (for stretching the muscles) is one of the most help full treatment of ambylopia

    others is using prisms to shift the image and improve vision

    others causing ambylopia are ( high myopia / high hyperopia / large different astigmatism / anisometropia / isometropia / facial features / cataract )

  • You really need to watch Samantha Pearson's video at It tells you how you can 100% naturally and safely cure almost any visual problem and the real truth about the Eyecare industry...thing is.. your glasses and contact lenses are in fact making your eyes worse.

    At first I didn't believe it but right now I don't need glasses anymore. I feel like something magic has happened to me, crazy!

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