u.k. - canada, Australia?

is it true that that canada + australia have never declared Independence, because i heard that whenever the u.k. competes against these countries we always win lol.(i.e. the ashes) :):) contributions from australia and canada would be best


  • It is true that Canada and Australia are independent from the U.K, they are members of the British Commonwealth (a large number of countries who are tied to the United Kingdom in that Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is their Head of State and that their Prime Ministers are "approved" by her). It is wrong to state however that they are not independent as they are totally autonomous to the United Kingdom government.

  • Canada is an independent country with it's own charter of rights.

    Our constitution was re-repatriated from England some 30 years ago.

    We are part of the British Commonwealth, but is has historic and ceremonial purposes only.

    Even in England, the monarchy would not dare to override parliament, although technically I suppose it could.

  • does no longer take place a million as of 1951 Australia have been decrease than a treaty with u.s. it somewhat is the ANZUS treaty 2 Australia and canada are the two area of the commonwealth and does no longer combat against one yet another 3 the united kingdom and u . s . are closest allies they does no longer attack one yet another 4 i do no longer think of us Aussies might declare conflict on a rustic that's 5000 situations greater useful then us and 5 why might the united kingdom and Australia desire to attack Canada is so cool why might we would desire to harm them yet while it did take place right here is what i think of finally Australia might renounce to u.s. and can be compelled to pledge allegiance to u.s. and sign a treaty that places Australia decrease than American rule so now Australia is on Canada's and u.s.'s side the united kingdom submit a combat yet might additionally eventfully renounce and are available decrease than American rule besides and then while the conflict is over Australia and the united kingdom might the two be states of u.s.. and then ten years later u.s. determining how useful they are turning out to be might attempt and over by way of canada additionally for this reason commencing yet another conflict and it would be canada,France and Australian and British freedom combatants against u.s.. before everything u.s. may be prevailing yet then they might get grasping and a want greater potential so as that they're going to pass and attack china and north Korea this might piss china and north Korea off and the might initiate helping canada and the allies and then on the tip Americawould have lost the international places might all be in huge debt so the might all might desire to cut back back on millitary spending and this might spell the tip to u.s. as a large potential and the hot international potential shell grow to be india

  • Independent and members of the Commonwealth.

  • They are really; Britain has now power over them. But the Queen is the head of state in these countries. I think that makes her the gaurdian of their consitution and inaugurator of their prime ministers. She doesnt do this personally i think goverenor generals do it. Its really just a role of pomp and ceremony.

  • They have been independent for many years.

    We regularly get trounced in the Ashes.

  • They are independent countries and have been for many years.

  • They are dominions with governor -generals appointed by the Queen.

  • They are part of the British Commonwealth.

  • shall we take a look at the olympic medals table again...ahhh

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