Self defense = physical assault now?

So some kid attacked me at school and punched me in the face, so I hit him back and we got in a big fight before it was stopped by Sir. So now I have an internal exclusion or isolation for physical assault and that goes on my record. Now you get isolation for having a fight anyway so I'm not worried about that but now forever on my file for education it says I physically assaulted a kid, when it was self defense. What is with these people? Should I stand there and get hit?


  • If you have witnesses who can independently confirm that you just defended yourself, you should fight this, sure. But if it turns out that this turned into a full blown fight, you probably won't be successful.

    If you have an intruder in your house in the middle of the night, and you look in the barrel of a gun, you have the right to shoot at that gun and defend him. But if he's then down, or runs away, you can't empty your magazine into his body. Same principle, kid.

  • you are correct in defending yourself, and should present your side and any witnesses that will support your case.

    You may have some legal recourse if they intend to brand you as someone that assaulted another, but they may require a lawyer.

  • You fought back when you could have walked away. That's not self defense, that's assault. Welcome to the world.

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