I absolutely know who Carl Jeff Azuz is. And quite honestly, I think I can speak for both Carl and I, that we feel disrespected when you say that "That man is annoying". Carl Azuz is a hero. He helped me through a very difficult time of my life. I honestly would have killed myself if it weren t for the artistic nature of CNN Student News. I love Carl Azuz, and it s time everyone else feels the same way. Stop taking trash about this beautiful man and start realizing that he is a life-saver. #CarlAzuzForPresident2016
Yeah xD I love him! CNN Student News is my factor part of the day! (because I dont have to be working:)
I absolutely know who Carl Jeff Azuz is. And quite honestly, I think I can speak for both Carl and I, that we feel disrespected when you say that "That man is annoying". Carl Azuz is a hero. He helped me through a very difficult time of my life. I honestly would have killed myself if it weren t for the artistic nature of CNN Student News. I love Carl Azuz, and it s time everyone else feels the same way. Stop taking trash about this beautiful man and start realizing that he is a life-saver. #CarlAzuzForPresident2016
The host of CNN Student News? Yeah, I know who he is.
Now i do
Oh god I hate that guy.
No, i don't
no i don't know...........................................