Kestrels as pets ?

Hey, so I've been begging my mum and dad for ages about having a pet kestrel. They said as long as I can prove I know enough to look after by myself I can have one. My mum used to have one when she was a kid and said they are fun but she's not getting involved because she will feel guilty when she has to leave it to go to work. So anyway, I need some info. Any sites, facts, if you have to have a licence anything like that let me know. Also, I'm having a British Kestrel if I get one, so if you have any for sale (West Midlands area) let me know. It can be any age as long as it's slighty tame. Oh and which is most likely to make a better pet, boy or girl ? Thanks, and ANY info is better than non :D

From Karlee, 13 yr old Wanna b vet xD


Oh and please, if you are going to say

"They aren't meant to be kept as pets get a hamster!" Or whatever then don't bother! I already have a hamster anyway, and it's quite boring. Oh and don't think that I won't be able to handle it, belive me I've been bitten by horeses! I can handle it, thanks xD


  • people may say that they are not meant as pets but say it is okay for macaws and parrots to be kept as pets

    but i say as long as it insn't wild catched then it is alright

    getting enough info about them is also a must and you'll still keep on learning even if after you got it

    isn't it funny how after you say pet people go on ranting but if you say work then they wont rant ?????

  • I've long had a fascination with falcons but I know my limitations. I'm not going to tell you not to get one, you're going to do whatever you want either way. If you're serious about this there are good and bad ways to do it, asking on yahoo is probably bad. Though, I will say that animals like, preditory birds, wild cats, and reptiles are NOT pets. I myself have lizards. People keep these animals, but they do NOT tame. No matter how long you keep them they will remain wild creatures and their tollerance of you can end at any time. Thats how people get hurt and die. Falcons can be trained to do specific tasks that follow their nature, but they will only do it if they want to, sometimes a bird will fly back to nature. If you want to get into falconry, please by all means do. But its very different hearing about your moms old bird and figuring it out trial by error while managing school. You should join a falconry group and get to know some people and their birds. Bird sit for someone for a few weeks, these birds are not parrots or hamsters that you keep in their cage and watch them, they need specific flying to keep healthy, make sure that you even have somewhere you can do this without buming a ride from your mom. If you follow through you'll really have a good idea what you're getting into and doing it in a responsible and mature manner.

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    Kestrels as pets ?

    Hey, so I've been begging my mum and dad for ages about having a pet kestrel. They said as long as I can prove I know enough to look after by myself I can have one. My mum used to have one when she was a kid and said they are fun but she's not getting involved because she will feel guilty...

  • from what I've read they are not the best birds to have as pets - falconers I know say that they never really tame, plus the way they hunt makes them unsuitable to 'fly' very easily. I'd get a Harris Hawk - much better for a first time birder.

    Good Luck

  • You've been watching too many Ken Loach films! - The bottom line is that kestrels should not be kept as domestic pets and it's a grave issue that your parents accept that you can have one, they should know better! Just because your mother had one, it doesn't mean you have to...

    They are birds of prey and hunt small rodents and small birds, how do you suppose on feeding this falcon? with birdseed?!

    They also require a large space in which to hunt in and my worry is that you will tether this bird to something in order to tame it, and teach it where to stay...

    Kestels are also known as altitudinal migration birds and keeping one as a domestic pet would stop it from migrating to a better suited climate during the seasonal changes...

    Bottom line - Get a hamster like everyone else....

  • There are better birds of prey (raptors) to choose from.

    Look here for info.

    I suggest joining a falconry club or similar for advice before you go ahead.

    Harris Hawks are recommended as a beginners bird and can be flown less frequently than some breeds and still remain healthy.

  • Sorry..but I WILL tell you these birds are not meant to be pets. Here in the US it is could be where you live as well. If you REALLY love animals and want to be a vet, why do you want to torture animals? Why do you want to keep a kestral as a pet for your own selfish needs/reasons. You are not thinking of the well being of the animal but only of YOUR well being. That type of attitude will never make you a good vet.

  • You cant just go and buy one and yes you do need a licence...

    they're quite difficult to come by.. THEY ARE NOT PETS...

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