How do you raise a Rottweiler puppy?

I'm about to get my own place and I want to raise a Rottweiler pup. I think they're gorgeous dogs potential to be sweet and gentle. What do I need to do to get the results I'm after?

Thanks :)


  • 1. Let it meet plenty of people: friends, family and randoms in the park (this will stop it being people aggressive)

    2. Let it meet other dogs: preferably dogs that you know or people can vouch for. (this will stop it being dog aggressive)

    3. Talk him/her on plenty of walks. (this will make him/her less destructive, in general and with regards to hyper activeness)

    4. Train him/her as soon as possible. Basics: Sit, stay, come, no. (this secures the bond between master and dog, and ensures you're in control)

    5. Maybe take training classes if this is your first dog.

    6. Play with and love your dog, you now got a new best friend and brother/sister.

  • a rottweiler turns out to be quite a big dog, so you might need a shock collar to train him to behave properly, a small not high voltage electric fence (it can be cheap and installed at a dogs midsection height or can be installed underground and when passed with the shockcollar on will continuously shock the dog untill the dog is inside the area you have placed the wires in), make sure there is no way for a dog to get out of a yard, chain, collar, leash, harness (rotweilers are very strong and can get out of a collar easy, this makes it easier to keep a hold of him), a kennel or respected sleeping area,

    Rottweiler's being a large dog eat quite a lot and can be expensive to feed, if you add to that the vet bills they are quite expensive

    But all dogs are worth it

  • My uncle had 2. one(male) was very protective of him(but not mean just to mean people) and the other(female)was a total sweetie. Just maybe sign your puppy up for puppy training so it can be trained at a young age to listen to you. Also get little puppy toys and puppy bones for him/her so they can chew on something when teething. Make sure you get him/her from a good breeder. if poorly trained you can get a dog thats very aggressive or with some health problems. also try getting a puppy from a shelter(save a life) i got my puppy in the shelter and its the best feeling ever. look for one on or Socilize a lot espically when puppy bring him/her to the park and dog park go for walks around the block bring him/her to fairs. so it can be nice with other people to. hope it help;)

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    How do you raise a Rottweiler puppy?

    I'm about to get my own place and I want to raise a Rottweiler pup. I think they're gorgeous dogs potential to be sweet and gentle. What do I need to do to get the results I'm after?

    Thanks :)

  • you just raise your puppy as you would any puppy.socializing and training is very important for any dog to become a well balanced and happy friendly dog also make sure you have rules and boundaries for which your dog must follow and make sure you dog see you as the pack leader other than love and care for your dog and you will have the best friend you will ever have enjoy your puppy best of luck.

  • i have a rottie.

    if your pup is anything like mine was youll need something to chew on. lots of things to chew on. as a pup she was a pretty aggressive chewer and we lost A LOT of things to her teeth.

    she was very easy to potty train. rotts love to please and love to be around their onwers. she hates being left alone.

    you pup will grow so fast. so fast! they continue to grow beyond 12 months of age.

    deff need to socialize early with ppl and dogs. they are very protective. make sure you are getting the pup from a good breeder. we got ours from a terrible breeder and she has the worst tempterment, lots of training and time went into her because of her temperment. the last thing you want is a 100lb rott that has a poor temperment. we started giving her glucosamine supplements at about 10 months as they are prone to hip and elbow problems.

    they are couch potatoes. she will sleep 17 hours of the day, no lie. its nice though because its what i wanted.

    i feed her taste of the wild, she eats 3 1/2 measured cups of food a day and maintains her weight of 90 lbs.

    they shed year round beacuse of how thick their coats are. the lower grade dog food you feed the more they shed.

    hope this helped some.

    edit: wtf bbc, that is the worst advice ive ever seen given here. do you have dogs? i feel sorry for them if you do.

  • yeaaah, dont feed it raw meat lmfao. just play with it a lot! especially when its a puppy. i did that with my dog and now it loves me and is really nice and playful :p be a good owner remember to feed it and walk it, buy it toys.

  • NOT breed specific!

    ALL dogs require proper training discipline feeding vetting...

    Living alone is NOT proof of the maturity required.

  • Start out with obedience training. they can be very aggressive dogs.

  • Feed it raw meat, keep it locked In a cage

    12 hours per day , and train it to fight other dogs at an early age. It will be a total sweetheart before you know it.

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