Why do doctors circumcise Male's penis's?

My boyfriend is a UC -uncircumcised so I'm curious...


  • Keeping a foreskin clean is easy; if it wasn't most guys in the world would be circumcised. You just pull and rub the head, which takes 5 to 10 seconds and feels good. On young kids the foreskin isn't supposed to be pulled back since it's attached to the head. Circumcision used to be more common (circumcision rates were as high as 90% back in the 60s and 70s, but are now as low as 14%). In addition, the USA is the last developed nation doing it. Studies have even found that circumcision reduces sensitivity, so chances are that rates for circumcision will continue to fall.


    Circumcision is a traditionally Jewish and Muslim surgery, although it was introduced and encouraged to the Western, developed world (North America and Europe, but especially the USA) as a way to stop masturbation, especially with the help of Dr. Kellogg. (see link 1) However, although scientific studies have discovered that circumcision harms masturbation by up to over 60% (2), needless to say, it doesn’t completely stop masturbation. Many circumcised guys just find it more convenient to use a lube like KY or lotion as a result (3) since the typically moist foreskin (like the eyelids) is not there to rub the head of the penis with (4).

    Most developed nations quickly rejected circumcision after noticing its ineffectiveness against masturbation (they were quite religious back then!), and as a result the United States remains the last developed nation doing it to a significant percentage of newborns. (5) This was done as a result of the for-profit American health care system promoting myths about benefits of circumcision (6), such as preventing penile cancer (6a, 6b), preventing HIV (6c, 6d) despite the USA being the developed nation with the highest HIV rates and circumcision rates (6e, 5), and preventing STDs (6d, 6f). As a result, circumcision now brings in hundreds of millions of dollars to doctors and the American health system. (7)

    However, circumcision has been becoming less popular as years have passed by. In the 1960s over 90% of guys were circumcised in the USA, now circumcision rates are as low as 14% in some states. (8) More and more parents are discovering that circumcision carries more risks than benefits, and realize that by leaving their sons uncircumcised, their sons have the choice of choosing what they’d like, since the surgery is irreversible (you can't go back if you don't like it or if it goes wrong).

    Circumcision risks include the loss of sexual pleasure according to multiple studies (2, 9, 10, 11). Those studies take into effect many sensation points, including the foreskin, and they involve many participants. There have been other studies that claim no difference, but they don’t even take into effect the nerve endings on the foreskin, which as seen in one study, are some of the most sensitive points on the penis (10). One study even found an increase in erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision (10a). In another study, it was found that females ended up reaching orgasm with and preferring uncircumcised males in 9 out of 10 cases (10b). In addition, circumcision is extremely painful on newborns (12, 13, 14), and you risk many bad conditions, such as a buried penis when too much foreskin is removed and limits the size of the penis (15), or adhesions or skin bridges that develop from the head to the shaft when the skin heals after the surgery (16), meatal stenosis [occurs in up to 10% of circumcised males!] when the opening of the penis becomes irritated from too much exposure and rubbing and begins to close up (17), and meatal ulcers (18). All those risks are, of course, not including the possibility of having too much skin removed, which can cause discomfort during erections due to lack of skin to allow the penis to expand, and could consequently cause a hairy penis by pulling pubic hair and skin to the shaft. Often a circumcision scar develops around the penis after circumcision. In addition, circumcision has negative effects on breastfeeding. (18)

    To conclude, here is a link that describes the anatomy of the foreskin (19) and the development of the foreskin with infants, a link especially helpful for parents (19a). Ultimately, one survey found that although uncircumcised guys are a bit more satisfied percentage-wise, it’s within the margin of error. (20) The only difference is that those unsatisfied uncircumcised guys can simply get circumcised and end up satisfied either way. If you're cut or uncut and happy, you'll say that side is better. If you got cut later in life, you'll say cut because you had problems with your foreskin before. If you're cut and had something go wrong or wish to have had a choice, then you'll say uncut. One survey found that up to half of circumcised guys wished to have had the choice themselves (as in, been left uncircumcised and they could have chosen to get circumcised if they wished later on in life). That's a huge number. (21) That, along with the risks and negative effects that are being seen more with the help of the Internet, may be what is bringing down circumcision rates.

  • It was originally a religious thing, primarily Jewish. Like many Jewish taboos - circumcision was based on prevention of illness. Back in the days BC people didn't have good personal hygiene practices, therefore men could get infected in there if they didn't keep it clean. The Jews figured out that if you cut that skin off that you didn't have problems down there. So the Jews turned it into a whole religious ritual - making it required for male babies.

    Now days the hygiene isn't as big a deal, however some rituals die hard. Doctors don't do it automatically, the parents have to request it. When your going through pregnancy, to circumcise or not to circumcise is part of the info/decision that parents are presented with.

  • No real reason at all! It's not true that it's cleaner or better in any way. Unfortunately, a long time ago when we didn't know as much about medicine, some crazy doctors decided circumcision was the way to "cure" masturbation which they thought was bad (mainly because of the influence of religion). Since then, circumcised doctors have tried to prove it prevents many conditions or reduces the chances of contracing them, most recently HIV, but other than that most people are aware it is not necessary. The USA is the only developed country still routinely doing it (for reasons other than religion) and rates are dropping as people realise it's not necessary. (Most people get it done because they don't understand the purpose and function of the foreskin, and want to look like Daddy/other kids, too scared to break the cycle or believe the hygiene myths.) Oh yeah that and doctors who circumcise babies can make up to $50,000 a year more than doctors who don't, all for a quick procedure. You are lucky your boyfriend is uncircumcised, most pleasure studies show it's better for the woman.

  • Actually, they don't. A baby boy is no longer circumcised as a matter of routine. The insurance companies won't pay for it since it's not medically necessary. If the parents want the boy circumcized they need to pay for it out of pocket.

  • It is cleaner (no smegma), healthier (60% less chance of acquiring STD's and HIV uncut guys also carry HPV which causes cervical cancer in women) and looks better!

  • It started out as a religious belief for Jewish people in the Bible historically speaking - they were commanded to by God. I can think of a couple reasons people do it today:

    It is cleaner. Smegma can build up under the skin folds and if it enters the urethra, then a urinary tract infection could occur.

    It is aesthetically pleasing... parents who think their sons will be made fun of our stick out might choose to have this done for social reasons.

  • Reasons:

    1. Cleanliness

    2. For satisfaction. Circumcised is better than uncircumcised, believe me.

  • i think its a Jewish tradition

    it probly made a lot of sense when people couldn't bathe every day. like when my parents were little

    you have to keep it extra clean if you are not snipped I heard

  • Because they make a lot of money on it for little work. There is no other reason for it.

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