Vista Ultimate Removal issue.?

I installed Vista Ultimate over windows XP pro, and yes windows did keep the other version of windows files, however windows vista refuses to install windows xp pro my windows vista says that it has been blocked be cause of compatability issues, im was wondering if i formated the hard disk with a windows 98SE boot disk and CD-Rom, and the upgraded that to windows XP Pro My graphics card is a Nvidia 7800Gs 512MB said on box vista compatable any how i hate vista and i want it off my Beloved PC. Would the Windows 98se Format work...


When i use safe mode all it offers is start windows normaly i dont get a choice of operating systems the file name for my old windows is in



  • You can do it with a Windows 98 boot disk. But to get rid of Vista you have to delete the partition on which it resides, not just format it, and recreate the parition - then format.

    You can do the same thing using the same thing using your XP upgrade CD. Boot from the CD and let it start the Windows Install. If it complains that you need 98 on the PC before you can upgrade, all you normally have to do is pop out the XP upgrade and put in the 98 CD. It is suppose to see possesion of the CD as a legal license to install, and will proceed from there.

    As part of the XP install, it will ask what drive you want to install it on, and give you a change to partition and format the drive. At the point you can remove the Vista by removing the partition. Then simply let it complete the XP install from there.

  • Hmm. You should also be able to remove Vista from the XP you still are able to use. Just log into XP with recovery mode from booting off the CD. That will give you better control with less restrictions. Start by deleting all the Vista junk, and editing your boot file to remove the Vista entry. This should get you back to a Windows XP only machine, with a lot less hassle and pain than re-formatting and re-installing. If you feel that the only way to really make sure it is gone is to re-format, then I would try to get a full version CD of XP, and just do a reinstall with that.

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