Do McDonalds fries contain any animal fat?

I just had a few fries from McDonalds yesterday and when i got home my mom was telling me that they used to make it with animal fat or something. I got really freaked out about this because i just became a vegetarian 2 weeks ago.


  • your mom is right. they used to be fried in lard (animal fat).

    they're now fried in vegetable oil, but it is still flavored with beef lard.

  • They do not contain animal fat. However, they may be made with animal baised oil instead of a vegetable oil. Since McDonald's is a franchise place, some will be vegetarian friendly where as others won't be.

  • I don`t know what they contain, but McDonalds specifically says their fries are NOT vegetarian.

  • Dude, I don't even think McDonald's fries have potatoes in them, which historically speaking is what french fries are supposed to be made of. I saw this youtube video where they tested the endurance of McDonalds food against mold; the fries lasted over 6 months in a jar without growing a speck of mold on them. That sounds more like plastic then food.

    So unless Monsanto has come up with a GMO that doesn't decay, I don't know what it's made out of.

  • I have no idea why people have such a difficutl time with this question.

    NO there is no animal fat in McDonald's French Fries

    NO they are not fried in animal fat

    NO they do not "add beef" to flavor them

    YES the you use beef flavoring that is made from milk and wheat NOT ACTUAL BEEF.

    Yes - your mother is correct they used to use animal fat to fry them - about 30+ years ago. Why she even told you that is beyond me. She's an idiot.

    They used to put radium in cosmetic face powder about 50 years ago, does that mean you should not use cosmetics now?

  • McDonalds fries contain beef flavouring, so they are most definitely NOT vegetarian.

  • Sorry but Mc Donalds fries are NOT vegetarian. They contain beef powder in them. See here:

    French Fries:

    Potatoes, vegetable oil (canola oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, natural beef flavor [wheat and milk derivatives]*, citric acid [preservative]), dextrose, sodium acid

    pyrophosphate (maintain color), salt. Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to

    preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.


    *(Natural beef flavor contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk as starting ingredients).

    Although the beef flavoring does contain wheat and milk, there is nothing saying that there is no beef in it.

  • No. I work on McDonalds, and they don't use animal fat, so you don't need to worry. And if you're still worried, you can have the burger McBean or (if you eat fish) McFish. And then you can have carrots or apples, or something like that. You can also ask the staff there about some vegetarian food, they will love to help you. Hope I helped :)

    Angelyné :)

  • Why did you freak, it won't kill you and it's not poisen so grow up.

    I do not think so, they use sunflower or vegetable oil.

    Mac Ds problem is being a huge problem to the environment and health of humans. It promotes greed and smothers out the little people.

  • I don't think they use animal fat anymore - it's probably even less natural than that.

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