How do get a special girl interested?

How do I leave the girl I love intrigued and curious, on her toes with suspense. How do I build up so she's permanently interested, wanting more? How do I keep the cultivating new suspense? How could I transition it? How do I keep her interested? Your help is greatly appreciated. She's contemplating leaving her boyfriend, he's a player he's cheated on her over 5x. I want to be a gentleman. I really love her please help me.


To be honest I don't think she'll leave him. She's taken him back 5x. She tweet declaring her love for him. It just breaks my heart. He doesn't appreciate her. He even made her pay his prom ticket and the limo for both of them and he has a job (because she asked him if he wanted to go).


  • ok, you asked the same thing like 7 different left out all this girl a friend of yours, are you close to her. Y do you love her? Add more details to the'll get better answers. And y do you want her on her toes and in suspense?? She's not reading a book!! lol But anyways...down to business....

    But based on what you did say, if i were you..i'd just tell her how you feel (although, i dont know how close you are to her) If she is about to dump him i wouldnt do it right away cause if you guys do date, you'll probably jus be her rebound and thats no good....just talk to her and let her knw how you feel (dont say you love her) just tell her how beatiful she is and how you really care about her. If she tries to go out with you right away say that you feel its best if you wait because she just got out of a relationship and you dont feel its the best time for her. Remember, good things come to those who wait!!

    Good luck :D

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