freshlook color contact lens trial?

how long can you wear the trial version of the contact lens for? how many times can you wear it?


and um also... why does it sometime become blurry when i blink..? and it takes a while for it to become clear


  • Errrr...the Freshlook colors are a 2 week lens...NOT 4 - 6 weeks.

    If you wear them everyday , then after 14 or 15 days, it's time to ditch them.

    EDIT *****

    It isn't all that surprising that , that happens. The Freshlook lenses are not the best lenses in the world...

    They often don't fit too well....and that is what is happening to you...they are too tight or too loose.

    Those lenses are a pain in the butt...they don't work right for a good percentage of those who try them.

    But...thats why you have you will know if they work for you or not.

  • I had the same problem with the blurryness and I tryed the acuve color I found that i could put the contact in with much more ease and there were far less blurry times than with the freshlook. Plus when i had the trail version of the freshlook people got annoyed because it says trial right on the contact and they have no thing to correct your vision and when i told the optomatatrist he recomended that i try the acuve color they didnt have the purple color that i liked but the fitted alot better then the freshlook. HOPE THIS HELPED!!!

  • Ya these lenses are not a 4 to 6 week lens. They are a 1 to 2 week lens. 2 weeks being the longest you should wear them. You can wear them everyday for the 2 weeks. You should only being wearing the contacts at most 12 hours a day, unless your doctor gives you the ok to wear them longer, and these lenses are not approved to be slept in so I don't recommend doing that. Hope I helped.

  • I work for an ophthalmologist and you can wear it as much as you want. They are approved to wear for 4-6 weeks as long as you take proper care of them. A trial is the same as regular contacts they call them trials cuz you try them first before you get the rx. DO NOT SLEEP IN THEM.

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