HM-FMF Devil Doc.. Navy Reserves?

Hey.. So i Joined the Navy on Oct 30th, 2008! Yaya! Lol Im shipping out until June 31st 2009 tho.. i want to know what Reservists go through ? like how long is bootcamp? and then A school? and then C school? is it true that i'd go through a mini version of the Marine's Bootcamp? What would I be doing on my drill weekends? Would I get sent to a Marine base to drill or a Navy base since i'll be a Marine Doc? Please help me out?! Im going in as an E-3! and i live in the Sacramento Area...


Yeap C School Is Guaranteed . HM 8404 - Attend Class C School immediately following the successful completion of A S school.. My rec told me that my job rocks ! is that true?


  • Hey,

    I am a Corpsman. I believe we have the BEST rate in the United States Military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.

    Bootcamp was 8 weeks when I went through it. Oct 03 2006. Its in Great Lakes so you will propably get the snow and cold weather during Corps School.... Corps School is as long as you make it. Mines was 5 months. FMSS (Field Med Service School) is not a mini marine corps boot camp. You do alot of field training and you go on humps/hikes with you gear.... run/push ups/pull ups/ sleep outside for a day. I dont know about your drill weekend because I am active duty. Advancement is good for reservists though. You will go in as an E-3 but in bootcamp, EVERYBODY gets E-1 base pay, and if you have dependants then you get additional pay. But when u graduate you wear your E-3 rank. Any other questions? Why did you mention a C school? Were you offered one? You usually dont get one until you finish A school. Unless your recruiter or the people at MEPS are Corpsmen you can ask any other questions...........

    Good luck

    God Bless

  • Boot Camp and "A" School are the same for the reservists and active duty. No difference.

    Did you actually get a "C" School guaranteed in your enlistment contract? If so, was it guaranteed to be a follow-on to "A" School?

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