Do colleges look at your final exam grades?

So I just got my final exam scores and I did pretty well on them. Except in one of my classes I got a 67 on the final. I maintained the grade I wanted in the class though. Will colleges see this? My grades are fine overall, mostly A s and a few B s.


  • They only see the letter grade you recieve for the class, not the individual grade. As long as your final grade is not the same as your exam grade, you're okay. Most pay more attention to your GPA and ACT/SAT scores. Those usually determine your acceptance more than actual grades.

  • They will notice anything that's included on your high school transcript. But most high schools don't include final exam grades on the transcript. They only list the final class grade. You can ask your high school guidance counselor for an unofficial copy of your transcript, and then you can see exactly what the colleges will be seeing.

  • They look at your transcript which only shows your final grade in each class taken. It does not show any exam grades.

  • Colleges will notice your final exam grades however, they will also be including your overall grades.

  • No they will notice your final grade.

  • No, they just see the grades that go on your transcript.

  • No, just your grade in the class.

  • Very Good you are high A & B's great job go for harder :)

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