Why is poverty a social problem?

Does everyone consider it to be a problem, or just certain segments of society? Also can you Describe the conservative view & liberal view of this social problem


  • Poverty is a social problem because it's effects are felt in society as a whole. For example if you examine most of the crimes - with the exception of the so called white collar crimes - most of them are committed by those who are from extremely underprivileged backgrounds. If you have a problem in society that is causing huge amounts of problems and costing billions of pounds/dollars per an-nun then it's a problem that effects all. Therefore collectively it is a problem because it costs the taxpaying public.

    The two arguments on poverty are usually like this: A: The people who are poor, are poor because they are lazy, or they do not spend wisely, or they are stupid. But if they worked hard then they can be rich too. (The Conservative Party in the UK constantly re-iterate the last point.) The other is that Capitalism, as a competitive social system, naturally creates winners and losers and a lot more losers than winners. The people who lose, lose at the expense of the winners. Capitalism can never be fair because all people are made of different qualities, not all of us fast, clever, shrewd, hard working and un- scrupulous. Essentially the game isn't being played on a equal footing, thus social disparity ensues and the Darwinian theory of "Survival of the fittest." seems to prevail.

    The problem of poverty is now reverberating around the globe causing huge social problems from drug addiction to war and famine. At some point even the social elite will be effected by this imbalance.

    Have a look at the following links because they explain these things in greater depth:





  • Why Is Poverty A Problem

  • Not near as much as most may think. I was raised in extreme poverty in the Mississippi delta (cotton country) and so was everyone around me. Not only us, but there were many white families that were so destitute. Hard work was the order of the day. School was secondary. Of all the people I knew, I can count on one hand those who turned to crime. Today as I look around, most who have everything handed to them, seem to wind up in some kind of trouble. Poverty is not the problem-its mom and dad. I'm not saying that all moms and dads are bad, but if mom and or dad is a bad seed-the children don't have much of a chance. Even if a bad dad does eventually "see the light", by then the children are already ruined. Its a whole lot easier to teach a little child that robbery and rape is a sin, than to try to reason with a young man who has already robbed, killed or rapped and who has had access to "easy" money. There is not much you can do with a person like that, except maybe execute them-and that is a poor answer to a "fixable" problem. Thats my story-and I/m not backing down.

  • Poverty is a social problem due to the following reasons:

    1. It creates massive economic burden on the economy like food resources, health resources, housing resources etc as these people do not have the mean to pay for these goods and services. Massive transfer of income from the able is needed to support this group of poor people.

    2. No productivity which is a drag on the economy.

    3. Crime rate will rise.

    However, no economy can eradicate poverty completely. A small level of poverty in a country is considered acceptable so long as the country can handle the problem economically and politically.

  • For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awWPp

    Povertys actually is actually a circular existance which leads to several social problems. Abject poverty is a cause of hunger and malnutrition which in themselves are responsible for a wide array of health issues. Increased childhood death, shorened lifespan in adults, diseases including communicable diseases, etc... Poverty is also responsible for a part of the homeless problem in developed nations. In many parts of the world abject poverty is also a major cause of illegal immigration and refugee crises. Extreme poverty creates a recruitment pool for terrorism groups and has led to national revolutions or civil wars in some countries. Those living in poverty (especially impoverished nations) are often undereducated and more suceptible to extreme political rhetoric and solutions. Of course increased crime rates is another traditional effect of poverty. Ther circular aspect of poverty occurs due to the fact that poverty (again especially in, but no limited to impoverished nations) reates an economic drain on the nation or state. This in turn serves to either deepen or at times create more poverty. I make the difference between impoverished antions and poverty in my answer. What many in the US consider wxtreme poverty is very different from the poverty that occurs in many other parts of the world. In these areas people are starving to death by the thousands daily. Not due to poor parenting, but due to absolute lack of food. With all due respect to the gentleman who chose to ignore the serious nature of your question and take a shot at Bono. I don't care if a person is Liberal or Conservative, a recording artist or a bus driver, this is a serious problem that has impact on the entire world. It is criminal in this day and age. For those such as Bono (and there are many) I am extremely grateful. If his CD sales increase as a result of the hard work and money he has put into this fight then good for him. And thanks for your question.

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    Why is poverty a social problem?

    Does everyone consider it to be a problem, or just certain segments of society? Also can you Describe the conservative view & liberal view of this social problem

  • Because of the high costs that greed causes society. For example if you examine most of the crimes, most of them are committed by those who are from extremely overprivileged backgrounds, who believe that poor people are scum to be used by those who are overprivileged with power. Therefore, poverty exists because those who hire others feel that their greed entitles them to pay people low wages that prevent basic needs from being fulfilled. Because the rich commit crimes against the poorest members of society, the middle classes end up bearing the costs of corporate welfare (tax breaks), AND end up spending their money donating to soup kitchens and other organizations who would not exist if there were proper wages. Furthermore, the rich encourage crime by spending billions of dollars promoting crime, prostitution, drug abuse and gambling through their "corporations" (only 5 control all media, and they CONSTANTLY portray crime as "fun") which are criminal enterprises for tax laundering- these "corporations" don't pay normal taxes, like working class people do, nor are they liable for their crimes.

    When young people are brainwashed by videos, films and music to copy the criminal behavior they have seen depicted as "fun", they then are put into for-profit- prisons where the billionaires then make more money from them, with the middle classes footing the bill. When these young people get out of prison with no job skills and cannot do anything but more crime, they are set loose upon the middle class while the billionaires sit in their gated mansions. So you see, poverty is a man- made problem caused by greed.

  • There are organizations in place that are trying to curb the amount of hunger and, eventually, end it in totality. Indeed, there is virtually no reason that people should be going hungry at the rates that they are.he world is not doing enough in the "War on Hunger." Adults and especially children are feeling the brunt of the hunger issue. Many people live in areas that are either unfit for agricultural practices or lacking in economic vitality. For more details:

    <a href="http://www.articlesxpert.com/article/728942/fariva...

    ">CLICK HERE</a>

  • people suffer from lots of diseases because of poverty

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