Do mainstream animes turn boys into less masculine men?

I thought about many of the characters of shows I watched as kid(pokemon, inuyasha, samurai x, beyblade). I noticed none of them have real masculine characteristics as in: they usually don't want to be the alpha male but do so anyways, they don't get the girl EVER!(at least never really lol) and they tend to be very very VERY emotional...

now from all of this I have noticed that I have absorbed some traits, I was just wondering if enough contemplation led anyone else to this conclusion


  • Well, if you look up to a character then sure a kid may try to imitate it, but not so much that their personality will change for ever.

    But that's just what Japan think will appeal to a wider audience. Like if you look at games, ours are constantly filled with characters that almost sound and look like they've been on steroids and cigarettes from day one. Japanese games tend to have shyer lead characters.

    I don't think it's that they're not as masculine, it's just that the western view of what is "masculine" is ridiculous.

  • I think those shows show how people just act? They acted feminine and masculine. Just like so many other people.

    What do you want, animes with men with bulging muscles surrounded by half naked women trying to hang on to him with dear life?

    I don't think they make a person less masculine at ALL.

    Ever get the girl? There doesn't have to be romance in every show, -pokemon just keeps it minimal, i'm sure if ash wanted to, he could actually have a girlfriend. Maybe he's bi or gay?

  • Pretty much in the anime, but not really in real life, I think. But then, most of the animes consist of " ha!" "aaaah!" "waaaaah" "hah?" "huh?" "woah" and "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" every 3 seconds so I wouldn't call it realistic.

  • The things you watched don't influence how you act except for the occasionally people that can even get corrupted from watching a condom ad..

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