
My son who is now 3 has been having trouble breathing through his nose since he was 6 mos. old. It's worse in the winter months. I've taken him to several ENT specialists and they still haven't decided whether it's enlarged adenoid or allergies. Do allergies cause enlarged adenoids? He may need an adenoidectomy, what are your experiences with them? Did you or someone you know talk funny because of it? Please, tell me your experiences.


  • Our daughter who is now 13 had hers' taken out when she was 3.

    They were enlarged and were causing her to wake up many times during the night and also snore.

    We were told that by 3 her adenoids were no longer needed.

    The procedure was quick (under an hour, home the same day) with no visible signs of surgery since they go through the mouth.

    She recovered fast and doesn't remember having them out.

    After they were removed she slept much better.....

    The Dr. told us that she would possibly have to have them removed again, as they sometimes regrow.

    Until now we have not taken her in but we can tell by her sleep pattern that they have probably regrown.

    As a side point they sometimes cause bad breath, our daughter was told that using saline in the nasal passage once a day would help kill the bacteria on the adenoids that cause the bad breath. So if your son has chronic bad breath it may be adenoids.

    Hope this is helpful for you.

  • YES! My daughter used to breathe SO loud we called her 'vader' baby...and she has allergies to wheat, egg, and peanut, so I somewhat assumed it must be allergy related somehow. Then this past winter, out of the blue, she got several ear infections (her pediatrician suspected allergies caused them) and went to a great ENT who said her adenoids were so large they interferred with her ears. So, her tonsils (which were huge) and adenoids came out and she got ear tubes. Anyway, she now breathes 100% quietly...she no longer snores and you can't hear her breathing like we used to. He also said that her adenoids were completely blocking her breathing from her nose.

    I have wondered if her allergies played a role in the large adenoids/tonsills (they were touching due to how large they were)...I don't think so, but you never know. She was on zyrtec and cingular and it didn't seem to help any.

    I was very against having surgery in the beginning, but since then I have heard several stories about kids being healthier after a T & A.

    Hope this helps!

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