Galera traduzem para mim?

Traduzam isso para o ingles por favor:

Quinto Lugar: Passear: gosto de passear porque eu conheço novos lugares

Quarto Lugar: Jogos: gosto de jogar jogos porque me estimula a imaginação

Terceiro Lugar: Bicicleta: gosto de andar de bicicleta porque é uma atividade fisica muito legal.

Segundo Lugar:Coleção: gosto de colecionar coisas porque acho que mais para frente servirão como reliquias

Primeiro Lugar: Videos: gosto de ver e fazer videos porque eu aprendo eu divido o que eu aprendi


  • fifth place: travel : i like traveling because i get to know new places

    fouth place: games: i like playing games because they stimulate my imagination

    third place: bike: i like riding a bike because it's a very cool physical activity

    second place: coletion: i like to collect things because i think they might turn into relics in the future

    first place: videos: i like to watch and film videos because i learn and share that knowledge

  • Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

  • 5th place = Going out : I like to go out, because I have chance to visit new places.

    4th place = Games : I like to play games, because it stimulates my brain.

    3th place = Bike : I like to ride a bike, because it's a very cool physical activity.

    2th place = Collection : I like to collect things, because in the future it can be relics.

    1th place = Videos: I like to watch and tape videos, because I can learn and share what I've learned.

  • Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

  • Tradução do português para inglês

    Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

  • Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

  • Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

  • Fifth Place: Walk: I like to walk because I know new posts

    Fourth Place: Games: I like to play games because it stimulates my imagination

    Third Place: Cycling: I like to ride a bike because it is a very nice physical activity.

    Second Place: Collection: like collecting things because I think that further serve as relics

    First Place: Videos: I like to watch and make videos because I learn I share what I learned

    Olhe! você pode ver no google tradutor entra no google e pesquisa google tradutor ou melhor na pagina do google ta na do ladinho google tradutor dai é só ver la e se diveritr

    Espero ter ajudado :D

  • The books on the table.

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