headaches every single day!! normal?

almost 19weeks and i wake up with a headache every day, its not really bad but its annoying, it comes and goes through-out the day, is it normal?


science guy i think i might be, iv only had 7 positive tests, and 2 ultrasounds which BOTH found a healthy baby, once at 7weeks and another at 13weeks, and now i think i feel something often moving around in my tummy, its so confusing though :(


  • You're probably pregnant.

  • I'm 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have had a headache everyday since I first thought I might be pregnant just before my 4th week!

    The doctor told me that it is normal and that it is the pregnancy hormones causing it.

    I wake up with this headache too by the way and it lasts all day on and off but generally always on. Also some days are worse than others too.

    Good luck with your headaches on congrats on your pregnancy! X

  • Unfortunately a lot of women suffer with daily headaches during the second trimester. It's very common. It stinks, but it will likely go away for you in a few weeks. For now you can try to treat them with tylenol, a cool rag on your forehead, lots of fluids, a caffeinated beverage (if you are up for that/your OB says okay), rest, shoulder and neck massages, and laying in a dark room.

    You might want to mention them to your OB just so they know what is going on but I don't think you have anything going on that is "wrong." If they persist or get really severe they may be able to prescribe you something to help with the pain. Good luck to you.

  • Def intake plenty of fluids (water!) Trust me when I was in my first trimester if it wasn't feeling nauseous I had a horrible headache or a combo. My doctor told me to drink plenty of water. I know you get tired of it sometimes but it's the cure. If not def tell your doctor. My doctor presribed me meds to take to help the headaches. Good luck sweetie and hope u feel better.

  • I also had a lot of headaches during my 2nd trimester. It was also painful where the base of my skull met my spine. I went to the chiropractor and felt a world of difference.

  • Please see your doctor for advice. Being pregnant and making sure all is well is paramount.


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