How do I fix a slow computer boot?
I have a Dell desktop with BIOS version A01. I think i changed something in the set up on accident and i don't know what i did. Now my computer takes forever to load and freezes very easily. I know i don't have any viruses and i haven't installed any new applications. Please help before my mom kills me. (not literally)
Update:Is there any way to get ahold of the correct boot sequence on the internet?
Update 3:I need to know the exact correct setting for the BIOS setup
Too much crap loading at startup. Delete some of the stuff in the startup folder in programs, you can also type msconfig in your run box and open the startup tab. A good lot of the crap in there can be unchecked too.
Fragmentation can be one of the causes of slow bootup; especially fragmented system files like the MFT and other files that load at startup. It's good to defrag these with a powerful defragger such as Diskeeper. It should help speed up the boot.
CCleaner is basically a dedicated cleaner which cleans the unwanted files in your computer...for eg. when you download or open any file or site, at many places it is registered in your computer that is not needed by the computer to work.....its a wonderful software that frees unwanted space...
Norton is basically a dedicated anti-virus.....
I sugess to still install CCleaner
You can find a free download of ccleaner here
No clue how to help you without more information. But getting a Mac is not one of them for sure!
Useing RESTART...and Tapping-->> can Enter System Set Up Program...
There you should find..RESET--->>Defaults...I think its F9...
You may need to Re-Install your OS..
You use a PCI-expansion Card for Digital Audio..and you changed to Integrated Audio...
in System Set-UP...and then need to CHANGE--Back...
This could mess up Audio...
SOOOOooooo....if you have a Digital Sound Card(PCI-expansion)...
and you CLICK--RESET--->>> will TURN-ON..integrated Audio-->>there-by...shutting off your PCI-expansion Card...if you then re-enter System Set Up Turn-OFF..integrated order to use Digital Audio(PCI-expansion)--there may be a mal-function---that requires a complete OS(re-install)....
So first---do you use a Sound Card--??
and should you Un-install that Program(before)..
Next...DELL Computer uses HDD..settings...look at your Peripheral(stuff)in System Set Up...and Set Your Performance(level) DE051(1100-series)Dimension--has this setting..I use Performance...
Generally...most setting in System Set Up..should be LOW...don't attempt to CRANK-it-UP...
SOOooo...generally..Pull all the PCI-expansion Cards...Pull all the USB-cables...Pull Extra RAM Modules(just leave a single RAM installed)...dis-connect the Floppy Drive cables...
Make sure that your useing a Single Optical Drive...and its the BOOT Drive in System Set Up...
At this point---you can CLICK..RESET--->>Defaults...
and just Re-Install your OS...and just start all over...your PC should run much better...
Yes...put all your STUFF--back in the PC...[end]
try start>run>type: msconfig, startup tab, then unchekc the programs that you wouldnt like to load up white your system us starting up. this will save you a lot of memory and will respond more faster, .
there should be a setting in BIOS for Quick Boot. Make sure it is enabled
Read this pls.,2845,1785997...
Note: That "tutorial is more than one page. At the end there is a link to the next page.
Yeah, get a Mac. That's really the only correct answer to this question... sorry!![:) :)](