Depressed, **** my life?

Hey guys what's up? I've been depressed for about 2-3 years now. It all started off with a girl, then I kind of got over that, but I began to get depressed about how I've always wanted to act, but never got the chance (I was to ***** to tell anyone and live the dream). I kind of got over that a few months ago and came to peace with the fact that I'll never act, but immediately after, I got depressed over the fact that I've wanted to rap/get involved with music for a few years too, but I don't know how to do it. I feel as if I have no talent. Essentially I've been depressed for 3 years and all of these things have been factors as to why I've been depressed, but fulfilling these dreams might not solve my depression (although I would love to fulfill them). I'm too ***** to tell anyone about the whole rap music thing and I don't know how to start. Do I sit in my ******* garage alone and just kick off dumb rhymes? I might have to. Hockey's also the only thing keeping me alive right now. It's all I live for, I want to kill myself everyday. Sometimes I wish I didn't play hockey because it's so stressful and demanding. This would allow me to focus on my short lived rap career, and allow me to plan my ******* suicide. **** me, and **** depression. **** this ****, it can suck my ****. I don't really know what the **** I'm asking, but I had to get this **** off my chest. Peace.


  • Being unhappy and feeling that you have no one to confide in is not a pleasant way to lead your life. Also, it will not help you get better. You need to reach out for help. You stated that you cannot talk to your parents, but your friend does recommend that you try. If you really feel like you cannot then you need to get the help of a trusted adult, like a teacher, guidance counselor or school nurse. Let them know how badly you are feeling (be honest - you can even show them this question and answer) and they can link you up with the services you need to begin to feel better.

    Doing nothing will only further your feeling of unhappiness and sadness. You sound very depressed and depression is a treatable illness. In time and with the right help of a therapist and a doctor, you can begin to talk about what is bothering you and begin to feel better. You are not alone so get help soon. Take care as always!!

  • Rage against The gadget - settle for no longer something , approaches Of Destruction - Spandex Enormity , purple warm Chili Peppers - i'm going to have Lied AND below The Bridge , youngster Rock all tracks off his devil without reason album notably I have been given one for ya.

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