Condom Broke a few days after period?

I had sex maybe about 3 or 4 days after my period stopped and the condom broke. He took it right out as soon as we heard/felt it...what's the likely hood I could get pregnant?

PS -- he changed condoms & we kept going, could that have effected the possible likely hood?!



Yes, I could have taken the "Plan B" pill, but between work & school I couldn't manage to go get a prescription for it, nor did I have an extra $60 laying around...


  • The sperm cell is faster then Michael Phelps.

  • Yep, the stakes are definitely high, miss. Probably an 89-92% chance of u getting pregnant. Of course, u could have taken a pill, but u didn't mention that...OH WAIT! Didn't mean to scare u like that, miss, It's 5-6 days BEFORE ur period when ur most likely to get pregnant. Yea u weren't ovulating and there probz isnt an egg in ur vagina so ur good.

  • you said you kept going, does that mean he jizzed twice? if he did, that means your double pregnant, which means your really ******, and it means he has great stamina, which means he's a ****** badass. you must like his penis a lot. 3======)--- (-:

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