Grade my 2010 nfl fantasy draft?

Its's fantasy game so 10 teams.

QB- Drew Brees, Eli Manning

HB- Jamaal Charles, Pierre Thomas, Jonathon Stewart

WR- Miles Austin, Santana Moss, Terrell Owens, Hakeem Nicks, Kenny Britt

TE- Dallas Clark, Greg Olsen

K- Rob Bironas

DEF- Minnisota Vikings, NY Giants

I think I did an amazing job with this draft. Good depth and I have bye week replacements for each position except the kicker.

What do you guys think???


  • Great pick with drew brees. Eli will be a good sub for his bye week.

    Jamaal charles will be gettin more playing time this year. great pick. Both of your backups split time so that mite be a down thing but i would start Jonathan Stewart over Pierre Thomas.

    Miles austin is a great pick but your other recievers arent that great.

    You have a good high scoring kicker in rob bironas good pick.

    The vikings defense is going to have a great year. good back up in NYG.

    You have a very good team.

    Good luck

  • Pretty balanced team here.

    Both Charles and Stewart are listed as #2 backs but both will see plenty of time on the field.

    Austin is a great pick and I think Britt and Nicks will be great options this year.

    TE is stacked for you, can't really go wrong there.

  • 9/10 a little weak in the running backs

  • pretty solid team

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