How To Persuade Teacher into...? .?

How To Persuade Teacher into...?

moving seats back with my best friend. well my teacher moved my best friend because we were both talking and i want her to move my friend back to the same seat she was sitting. How do i persuade my teacher so she can move my friend back to the same seat? Please help.


  • uh good luck with this.

    have your friend sit where she does for a couple days and be very good, then just have her move back and see if the teacher says anything. A lot of times they wont.

    p.s. maybe try to minimize on the talking. i sit with some of my best friends in class, but we are smart about when we talk. generally when the teacher is talking is not a good time to strike a conversation.

  • I have changed students seats for this reason too. Talking is disruptive to the teacher and your fellow classmates. If she separates you, the chances of you disrupting the class with your chatter has gone down dramatically. I don't think you will be able to persuade her to move your friend back. I know I wouldn't. The teacher knows that if she was forced to move the seats in the first place, the moment she allowed you to sit near each other, the problem would resume. Save your conversations for between classes, lunch and dismissal times. I wouldn't pursue the matter any further. It will not be good for you.

  • Hmm... I think you should look at it from your teacher's point of view: he (or she) is trying to teach a class, and when you and your friend talk, it disturbs the class and makes it harder for him to do his job. Would you like people chatting away if you were up in front of class giving a report? And since you are in class, why do you need to be talking to your friend anyway? This might not be the answer you're looking for, but maybe you can reflect on your own behavior and not on just trying to get what you want.

  • You can't persuade the teacher. You blew the chance to sit by your friend because of your behavior. Learn from this. Leave it be.

  • Not gonna happen.

    Your teacher moved your friend because you weren't learning anything while you were chatting and you were probably distracting the others in the class. Take responsibility for your learning and have some consideration for others.

  • try using a $5 if that doesnt work then everyday increase the bribe by another $5, every teacher has a price, if you want to find that price faster just increase the bribe by larger increments, $10 or $20. the only problem with doing it this way is you may over pay.

  • As a teacher, I can tell you: Give it up.

    Lost cause, and you brought it on yourselves. I know there were many warnings before a seat was changed. Besides, you only want the old arrangement so you can talk!

  • ask her to give u one week to prove yourself to the teacher that u two can sit and be good and not talk... then after a week of showing her u can do it u should be all good! when this happens if u must talk to her keep a paper between u and write to each other ! hope this helps good luck

  • Show how responsible you can be for the next several weeks, then ask, in writing, with an apology and commitment to be respectful of her class in the future. If she grants your request, follow through with your commitment. If she doesn't, take it as a lesson learned.

  • give her an apple lol no just joke help her in what he needs contribuit in class do all the kind of things very silly persons do to presuade a teacher do extra work HEAR AT CLAS AND ESPECIALLY DONT TALK this goes for your friend too normally it works

    good luck

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