do you have a jealous partner?

do you do anything to make them jealous? or they are just plain insecure? what do you do about it?


  • I love my guy being jealous of me.I dont do anything to make him jealous but he is jealous just because he dont want anyone to steal me away from him.I think it is sweet.

  • Yes, found out it was an insecurity from a past relationship. A trust issue from putting to much trust into someone who really hurt them. Also having unstable parents. These people just need a little more TLC need to be told how much you care about them love them and need them. After that foundation is stable it seems to disapear. A lot of it is they think you are all that and afraid they aren't good enough and will loose you. compliments, love, affection and time heals away these insecuritys.

  • i did had last year. She is jealous with many things. She is jealous if i will not return her calls or her sms. It's quite hard because i have a free spirit personality. i felt i was put to chain and cannnot do things i want. So, i left her in good nature. After a long time of thinking what to do with her.

  • yes i use to be a jealous female but i got over when i realized that it was me being just down right insecure and i stil sometimes tend to be somewhat jealous but its only natural for a woman or man to be jealoius of something that means alot to them

  • yes i do . And i think that i dint do anything but just be me and live as a young gurl.i think he is plain insecure because he dint want to leave me and he might think I'm cheating on him but I'm not. well there isn't anything i can do.

  • Yes been there ,he could look at other girl's say cruel thing's to me and the list goes on, but I lost my 3 closest male friend's due to him and no guy is worth that...:)

  • i always say my mother didnt give me that emotion! BUT NOW THAT I AM OLDER I FOUND THAT I DO HAVE THE EMOTION AND I DONT LIKE FEELING INSECURE .... SO PLAY NICE

  • I had one along time ago, it drove me nuts, and she eventually cheated on me....go figure.

  • Very and I try to reassure her but think its cause she is guilty.

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