Font: Helvetica vs Arial vs DIN?

I absolutely love fonts. I am branding my network on YouTube, and I can't decide what font I want to use. Helvetica is a mainstream font that is widely used. Helvetica is smooth, clean, mainstream, and professional. Arial is also effective and efficient, it is an off brand generic version of Helvetica, it is obvious Arial copied Helvetica. Arial is a font for beginners, it looks just like Helvetica, smooth and clean, small differences, and it is free. Helvetica however is very mainstream so it cost. Then there is DIN, I really love DIN, it is smooth, clean, not too regular or too bold. My question is, what font should I use, and if you have any suggestions for fonts add them? I want a beautiful font that will go good in a well branded advertisement, I want my brand to remain mainstream, smooth, clean and professional while at the same time having a flashy, fun, and cool look.


  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only $89 for 10 fonts (vs $65 and up per font for DIN). It has a beautiful contemporary look.

  • Arial Vs Helvetica

  • Helvetica Vs Arial

  • Some fonts were designed prior to computers. Helvetica I think has been around since the 1600s, a few hundred years at least. Another example is Olive, was originally designed and optimized for newspaper printing where the ink would bleed on the paper. Now its a slightly unusual font. However, neither is designed for legibility on computer screens. So Microsoft for example, created Arial. Slightly easier to read in pixels.

    There are trillions of fonts. If you love type find something clean but not as mainstream as those.

  • Frutiger, Bliss, Gill Sans, Franklin Gothic, Futura, Gotham and so on and so on.

    Look at the detail of Arial before you write it off – the numeral 3, for example. Helvetica is bundled with many softwares so you might find you already have a licence for it.

  • I love DIN and I also love Futura. Helvetica is good for reading a lot of copy. It is also good because there are so many weights that it comes in, Have you looked at Universe? That comes in a crap ton of weights and looks so clean and legible.

  • There are many fonts except these like - Monotype Corsiva,Mistral etc.

    According to me, u should not use these 3 fonts as they are quite common.U should have something different.

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