Do schiff cranberry extract pills clean system of marijuana?

Got a drug test in 2 days and smoked everyday this week!


  • Absolutely not.

    The idea that cranberry juice "cleans" you of THC stems from the idea that cranberry juice can "clean" you of bacteria related to urinary tract infections, or kidney infections. THC is NOT a bacteria, and therefore, will not "clean" you out better than water will.

    And while we're on the subject of drinking water, you can only drink water the day of the test, and pee a few times before the actual test takes place. The first pee of the day is most concentrated, and therefore, runs the greatest risk for failing a drug test.

    With that, some people think that drinking gallons upon gallons of water over some arbitrary period if time will "clean you out." No. Yes, water will AID in removing THC, but it's not even significant enough to even take it into consideration. At all. It will remove maybe 1-2% of the THC within a week's time, at best. Not worth the effort of guzzling gallons of it. And--an important thing to note here--is that water can only MASK the THC, not clean you out of it. Put it this way... let's say you drank 2 glasses of water this morning, and you peed twice before the test, and you passed. And then if you took that same test the next day, without smoking in between, you could fail that same drug test.

    If your urine is too watery, it can be rejected for trying to mask a drug test (which you are), or will be written off as an automatic fail. So this whole bit about drinking gallons of water is not only ridiculous, but it can work against you.

    Some people will tell you to workout a ton. Actually, if you don't already workout regularly, then suddenly going to the gym will actually make the THC show up MORE in your urine than if you had just sat there eating potato chips.

    Want to know if you'll pass? Buy two at-home drug tests that measure 50 ng/ml of THC--this is important. Take the first test the first thing when you wake up--no peeing beforehand, no drinking or eating before this test.. just wake up and pee. If you pass this test, you're all set to go. If not, drink 2 glasses of water over the course of an hour or so. Then take the second test. If you pass, you're good. If you fail, you're sh*t out of luck.

    No cleansing drink, no weird method of cranberry juice, niacin, vitamin, diet, etc., is going to work. My suggestion is to get your priorities straight. We're living in an economy where we cannot afford to smoke pot and fail a drug test for a job.

  • Cranberry Extract Pills

  • First you need to be unscrewed.

  • No. You, my friend, are screwed.

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