Ram for Windows XP Pro SP3?

i need to know about the ram limit

is it still worth it to upgrade my comp from 2 gb ram to 4gb

will i see a somewhat significant boost in speed

or am i wasting money getting 2gb ram when i need only 1gb more?

im planning on getting 2 gb from newegg so help me out guys

i have 32 bit Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3

HP a1630n (with an 8400gs 512mb graphics card)


firefox uses ALOT Of ram after i let like 10 20 minute videos buffer

and when i play MW2 it takes up alot of ram


  • Keep in mind that XP 32 bit will only allow access to 3 gb of ram. You might just want to suck it up and get a new computer. 1 gb of RAM will provide a small boost in performance, but probably not enough to justify the cost. A new processor might help as well, but then you need the motherboard etc.

  • If your PC has dual channel RAM, one more 1 GB stick might actually slow it down if it drops to single channel. So (2) 512 MB sticks might work better. But what do you do on your computer that you even need more RAM for XP?

    Vista and Win7 use more RAM than XP because they became bloated trying to do more fancy things. I just recently bumped up my old HP a530n up from 1 GB to 2 GB and my laptop still runs XP fine on 1 GB.

  • First check the limit of the motherboard it can be upgraded.

    For Xp 2 gb its more the enough . but according to your usage , if u use software which takes a lot of ram then upgrade . else its a waste of money.

  • not much

    2 gb is the sweet spot for xp

    it will only see 3gb under 32 bit of xp

    4 gb under 64 bit of xp

    instead download soluto


    and see what is eating up your boot time

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