Fractions expressed as division problems involve dividing the numerator (4) by the denominator (9), so 4 divided by 9 = 0.44 . . . which rounds to 0.44.
Move the decimal two places to the right, and you've got your percentage of 44% also rounded because .4 will go onward to infinity.
Just divide 9 into 4 and use common sense to determine where the decimal point belongs. You already know you're going to end up with something below but not far below 50 pct.
Divide 4 by 9 and multiply by 100.
Fractions expressed as division problems involve dividing the numerator (4) by the denominator (9), so 4 divided by 9 = 0.44 . . . which rounds to 0.44.
Move the decimal two places to the right, and you've got your percentage of 44% also rounded because .4 will go onward to infinity.
Just divide 9 into 4 and use common sense to determine where the decimal point belongs. You already know you're going to end up with something below but not far below 50 pct.
You divide 4/9 multiply by a hundred you should get 44.4= 44%
In your calculater press 4 divide sign 9. You will see .4444444444
so multiply by 100 and round to nearest number and it is %44.44
4/9 = x/100
= x%
hope you understand that
there are many ways to do it though
you divide the top by the bottom then move the decimal point two places to the right
Gnoman is correct.