DAR report?

I have to do a DAR report and i was wondering what are some reasons you might be a spy for the Patriots in the American Revolution? I know for the good of you country and everything, but i'd like opinions from other people.

Also, what are some good made up American Revolution spy stories? the paper doesn't have to be all facts.

(input from other people doing this report would be nice)


  • The laws of 18th century England were brutal and favored the Crown.

    A good reason for becoming a spy for the Patriots is because your husband, sister, brother, mother, son, father, etc. was imprisoned and tortured to death by King or a Minister without due process of law.

    Unjustifiable maltreatment and murder of a loved one is what creates hatred in the government, any government.

  • I think a big part of it might just be opportunity. If you happened to be in Philadelphia, and particularly if you were an attractive young lady who had the attentions of General Howe's aide, you might be privy to some interesting facts that General Washington, or perhaps that Colonel Arnold who keeps limping after you might find useful.

    As far as I know, Peggy Shippen didn't find herself in this position between Major John Andre of the General's staff and Colonel Benedict Arnold of the Continental Army, wounded twice in the left leg at Quebec and later Saratoga. She had been wooed by Andre when he was in Philadelphia and later she married Arnold. It could make for an interesting fictional account, though.

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