Ramadan: Do Quranists pray Salah?

We learned through the sunnah of Rasulullah (S), but they don't believe in the sunnah. So..how do they pray?


  • no they don't

    they think Salah is Dua

    @ angel:

    okay so you can dance in the masjid for all i care. 'don't follow sunnah' shirk my @ss, do you even know the meaning of shirk?

    EDIT: let me tell you something else whichis confirmed by the Qur'an: "Atiullah wa Atiur Rasullah" Obey Allah and His messenger. so go against one verse (which is mentioned several times) and reject the WHOLE Quran.


    Salam Wa Alaikum, its abit late i know, but hey its your right

    EDIT: @ Angel:

    I'm being belligrant?! please go and look in the mirror, your statements are statements of Kufr, this is belligrant according to islam



    so what are the commands of Muhammed PBUH?

    so the Quran came down by itself as a messenger to the people? (Naw zubillah 'Alay)

    and the secong verse you quoted was wrong its:

    [31:6] But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty


    your third and forth quotation, is speaking of the FABRCATED hadith, which are not regarded by any Muslim who follows the Correct sunnah.



    oh so who's accusing now, being satanic is the opposite of being Muslim. so tell me, who is accusing now? its not like you acctually saw what i wrote above, or did you and decided to ignore it?

    its a warning Sis, these are words of Kufr so repent, because death is at every corner and can take you at any time

    yes "ALHADEETHI liyudilla" !!!!!!false sayings!!!!!!!


    he sunnah is the way of life to be taken after the teachings of the Quran, so follow it.


    finallty a MUSLIM comes and joins me

  • Koranists are first to reject all Hadith when it comes to worshipping rituals in islam. In this way they think that they have liberated themselves from any responsibilities. From a third person view of worshipping there is no difference between a koranist and a non-muslim. They consider themselves muslims simply by some logic and theories.

    One of the greatest problem of rejecting all the Hadith is that...then you just can not answer any type of polemics or defamation directed towards prophet Muhammad. And it would make muslims unable to take decisions in a right islamic way.

  • Salah was not founded by Muhammad but by Abraham. This is a fact, which is also confirmed by Quran.

    In fact, hadiths have corrupted the Contact Prayers to GOD by making it compulsory to add the names of Muhammad and Abraham and commemorating them and their families, which is clearly shirk. So I will say that your prayers are nothing but a waste of time... better do sit ups.

    Sunnah doesnt explains us how to pray, sunnah was made up by corrupted people.

    EDIT, Obey Messenger doesnt mean follow Bukhari. The book of Bukhari has no historical value. It is confirmed hearsay. Further, why does the Quran repeatedly speaks to Muhammad with the words "say"/"qul"

    What was the need for GOD to speak in this manner?...

    God did that to show that following those verses is obeying the Messenger. Further, reading Chp. 11:1-2 it confirms that Quran is a messenger as well.

    Read these verses from Quran

    [31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of GOD without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

    [6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?


    You are the one who is belligerent you label people as apostates without evidence. Sure, you can do that... But you also kill people for being apostates. You are not only belligerent but also satanic..


    Quran 31:6 Wamina alnnasi man yashtaree lahwa ALHADEETHI liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattakhithaha huzuwan ola-ika lahum AAathabun muheenun

  • I am not a Quranist but what an ignorant question. I perform my salat as the Quran instructs. You do not learn salat from sunnah (Go look it up) you are following a ritual from your forefathers and rejecting the way the QUran instructs. Why does'nt any of you study your religion.

  • I agree with the Sunnah Slayer Somber 123

  • I follow the Quran regarding salat and everything else in Islam. It is funny to me that those of you who do not follow the Quran or follow something else consider your selves Muslim. I have never understood how you can be Muslim and not follow the Quran.

  • Yes we do !

    Your next obvious question would be, how ?

    Check my answer and Kamal's answer here:


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