a:command problem?

hello, after switching the harddrive, my computer kept saying needed a command interpreter.

does anyone know how to fix this and tell me how?


this one harddrive it used to have still have windows 98 se on it but still not finding it and i tried to use a madboot cd to run reinstall but it wouldnt work on that.


  • reinstall windows, that's the surest way.

  • Did you format the new hard drive?

    Your computer is looking for the boot files and not finding them. The obvious command is COMMAND.COM, and several hidden files, which should be on your boot drive.

  • It's looking for command.com. Either it's missing or the path setting in the environment variables is not pointing to where command.com is. At the prompt type Set <Enter> and see what the path is set to.

  • the boot device needs a command interpretor in order to run an operating system. you need to be more specific about what you did with the hard drives and what OS you run

  • That means you messed it up.

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