Is lady Gaga a dude or not?

there is a lot of controversy going around and im still confused


  • i don't think so. those panties are too tight to be concealing a wenis

  • Nope. Lady Gaga is Definitely a Woman.

    *Note: Don't go on listening to that stupid rumors. People are just hating for no reason out there.

  • Okay, there's a shot of her with a ... thing protruding from her... nether regions, which is making people say she's a hermaphrodite. She also- apparently- admitted to having male genetalia.

    It would also explain why, when asked about her sexuality, she said that she MIGHT be gay.

  • There really isn't that much controversy over it anymore.

  • I'm a dude. She's a dude. You're a dude. We're all dudes.

  • has alot of manly features, but i probs still wud lol

  • NO. Gosh this is getting old.

  • no she is not but she is bisexual

  • i think "she" is.

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