How can I increase my self-esteem?

I am Chinese, I moved to the States when I was 7. 9 years later, I am 16, a Junior in high school, and living what I'd like to consider a normal teenage life. English has become my primary language, I've no trace of an accent and I conform with society well. The problem is, living in an area where minority are few, I get a lot of **** about my ethnicity and because of that, I feel as if my self-esteem is lower than what it should be. I'm always self-conscious of what I look like as a minority compared to everyone else. I've always been insecure and never confident with girls for the one reason that is my ethnicity. I could never compare myself appearance-wise to other guys because I feel as if I have nothing to compare, that I am totally different. Please tell me what you think if/as a majority (Caucasian, European, etc) Thanks.


  • So, the other kids don't see many Asians? That means they are unfamiliar with your ancestors culture and don't know how to act. They need to see that you are not different, and I know you aren't. It a problem with youth. The unfamiliar can be difficult. But on the other hand, most kids want to live in a mixed society and want to have friends with different backgrounds. You need to start thinking that you are one of them, not an outsider. They have the same self image issues that you do. Lots of them would like to know you better.

  • Work out. Get ripped.

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