Ford Fiesta MK6 problem?

Crackling/Tapping noise coming from engine and when I brake quickly my engine and everything will go, but if I brake gradually it will continue to drive. The noise is coming from what seems to be the belt to the left of the engine and when I touch the plastic casing I can feel it hitting/tapping the case. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I shall include a picture with an arrow to the area of engine I am talking about.


  • It's definitely the cam belt. It might not necessarily be broken, it could just be working loose, you'd have to dis-assemble the top part of the engine (All the plastics) to see, and adjust torque on the fittings. It's something you could do by yourself, if you are competent, if not, a garage could fix that in an hour or so, - minimum labour. A new cam belt is cheap too, if it's necessary at all.

  • That is the cam belt and if it snaps it is new engine!

    Stop using the car now and get a garage to have a look at it before it goes. You are lucky it has warned you it is about to fail, most don't and a seconds worth of damage costs thousands.

  • cam belt breaking up. if it fails and it will! valve impact occurs . lucky if we escape with few new valves plus head gasket .oil. etc worse case we lose entire engine.

    it is imperative we do not drive car ( ideally a two ) and have a garage look and give diagnosis and quote. DO have belt tensioner replaced.

    belt tensioners often fail and cause belt failure so this may have occurred.

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