Daddy/Daughter issues?

I just need confirmation. Recently, there was a scare of the possibility that my dad might be cheating on my mom but its all a misunderstanding and i dont wanna go into detail about it but after that, it just seems like everything he does just gets on my nerves. Of course he got on my nerves a lot before but thats cause im a 15 year old girl and hes my dad. But now i would just get angry if he tried to talk to me. Like for example, he would ask me questions about school or my day and i just would not want to talk to him or answer him. Id either give really simple answers or just nod my head. But its completely different with my mom and id actually start a convo with her. I wanna know is this is this happening because of the cheating scare or just normal teenager stuff? I really want to figure this out and resolve it cause i do love my dad and i feel like im hurting his feelings a lot by doing this and i know he just wants to be close to me since my brother and sister recently moved out.


  • Hi, I say talk to him. I went through the same problem... I and I was having a hard time dealing with it. If its a misunderstanding then its better to make it clear and have it out in the open between you two so that you are both heard and your feelings and his feelings wont be hurting. I hope this helps.

  • stop torturing him.

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