Guyanese versus Barbados?

There is a lot of talk about bajan men and guyanese women do you really think that bajan women really feel threaten by these women or this is just a myth.


  • hmm...I dont feel the least threatened by them...not at all! The thing is that when I really think about it the Guyanesse want status and what better way to get it faster than to marry a Bajan man...then the Bajan men are so foolish that they let them cook for them and then they are hooked. I wonder how longit will go on.

  • Some might but I don't. Some Guyanese women does some things that our own Bajan women would not do and some Bajan men are too wutless. They like a lot of women.

    EDIT: Note that I said 'some'. That was based on information that I hear and from reading 'I Confess' and 'Dear Christine'.but I can not say for certain. I guess if I was in a country illegally and wanted stay I would be nice to the man so that he can married me. Thankfully I am not in that position and it seems unlikely that that will happen in the near future.

    Additionally, I have heard that women from the other islands are much more accommodating that Bajan women. Bajan women tend to be more bossy and looking for a career as oppose to 'others'. A Bajam woman would give a lot of back-chat while the other might stand for foolishness.

  • If you are realistic you cannot class all women whatever nationality the same, Guyanese women seem more inclined to make a home with cooking and washing, etc. I have also heard awful stories of how they treat their bf/ husbands, with outside relationships. I don't think Bajan women should feel threatened "day does run till night catch it"

  • Lol....Guyanese women want status in the island while Bajan women want money. (Case of the majority)

    I do think Barbadian females should feel treaten to some degree. Reason being, Barbadian women are extermly unmannerly while the guyanese women appear to be somewhat friendler (i don't know i never talk to none i gine on hear say.)

  • my best friend is guyanese...enough said.

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