How do you wrap up a dog?

I got my dad a dog for Father's Day but I don't know how to wrap it. I don't wanna be mean and put it in a box, so how should I wrap the dog? Also he's a 80 pound bulldog


  • The way you can do it is when your father is opening the other presents if he has any tell him to close his eyes that u have a real big suprise leave the dog in the garage or somewhere that good for u then while your dad has his eyes close run and hook the dog up to a leash and walk the dog up to him and tell your dad to open his eyes he will be very suprised oh ya and if you want add a little detail like a bow by the way don't get the bull dog a collor that has spikes because it will hurt the dog just some advise for ya

  • Put a big bow around his neck. Hopefully your Dad wants an 80 pound Bulldog.

  • You could just put a bow on it and run it into your dad's house (if he's fine with that) or you could just give him a leash and a collar in a wrapped box and then bring in the dog as he's opening the box

  • if you get a big box with a lid, wrap the lid and box separately so he doesn't have to actually unwrap it, he can just take the lid off (but itll still look wrapped). the less time the dog is in a box - the better. or just wrap the crate but its not as cute that way.

    or just put a bow on him. i hope your dad actually WANTS a dog though..

  • I pray to God your father can afford to keep this dog healthy - do you know for sure that he can?

    Bulldogs have multiple expensive allergies and other genetic problems that can run into thousands of dollars in maintenance each year. PLEASE make sure your Dad wants this dog and can actually care for it proerly. They are incredibly cute, but a total train wreck when it comes to health. Not a gift I would necessarily want to receive...

    If he is able to, Larsa has the best suggestion.

  • Getting a pet for someone is wrong unless you are absolutely sure that is what they want. Just put a bow around it's neck.

  • Put a ribbon around it's neck with a bow and card. Good Grief!

  • You can put a bow on his collar.

  • well, i guess he wont be comfortable if you wrap it.. so just put a bow on him (:

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